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Serve and grow with us!

We are called to become servants like Jesus.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve. Each week at newLife, many people just like you give their time to serve. Whether it’s helping kids learn about Jesus on their level in our kidsLife Children’s Ministry; greeting first-time guests; welcoming people into our sanctuary; cleaning our building; or pitching in behind the scenes with Production-- it takes volunteers to sustain our weekly gatherings. Serving others is a demonstration of self-sacrificial love and it is also the best way of connecting and building community within newLife.

If you have any questions about serving or are interested in serving, please see Pastor Angelo! Watch the videos below on how to Step Into and Out of Serving at newLife.

"He [Jesus] makes the whole body [the church] fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

--Ephesians 4:16

Stepping into Serving at newLife!

If you are serious about practicing the Way of Jesus, you will inevitably be confronted with the call to serve others. Pastor Angelo outlines how to figure out when and where you can step into serving in the local faith community of newLife.

Stepping out of serving at newLife!

How do you step out of serving at church? Pastor Angelo shares how to know when it’s time to step away from serving in the local faith community of newLife. These steps will help you grow in this new season as God leads you in new directions.