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Become a new creation in Christ!

What is baptism?

Baptism publicly announces our faith, identifies us with Jesus, and symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It’s the way that God wants all new believers to go “all in” and go public with their faith. It’s a simple act, but it takes great courage.

Keep in mind that baptism is not something that saves us eternally – that happens when we come to know Jesus.

Who should be baptized?

Baptism is a command and expectation for every believer who has made a commitment to Jesus. If you were baptized as a child, you may not have made the decision on your own to follow Christ in baptism. If you have not been baptized by immersion since asking Jesus to be the forgiver and leader of your life, we invite you to be baptized at newLife. We also encourage people who have been away from church for many years to consider baptism as an act of public re-commitment to Jesus.

How should I be baptized?

At newLife, we believe the Bible teaches that baptism should be by immersion in water as a believer. At newLife, we offer two options for baptism. Option one is an indoor baptism, up on the platform, that will be performed some time during our regular scheduled church service. Option two is an outdoor baptism at the Youngs River boat ramp, just down the hill from the church. This baptism will be performed after our regular church service but must be done on a day when the tide is up.

Does baptism make me a Christian? Do I have to be baptized to go to heaven?

Baptism is something that God commands and expects every believer to take seriously and to go through as an act of obedience. It’s vitally important, but to say that baptism “saves” us or that baptism is required before I can go to heaven contradicts the teachings of the Bible. Jesus told the thief on the cross, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” The thief had no time to be baptized before dying moments later. Baptism is simply the first next step for a new believer in Jesus.

When can I be baptized?

We can perform a baptism on any normal Sunday! Fill out the form below and someone will contact you to get you scheduled.

Can my family be baptized together?

Yes. We love to see family members go through baptism together, but we don’t recommend waiting long for family members to make a decision for Christ and we are careful to make sure that kids understand their decision.

What should I bring on baptism day?

Please bring extra clothes and a towel, along with anything else you think you might need.

How can I let you know I’m ready, or have questions?

So glad you asked! Start by clicking the link below.