JOIN US ONLINE Sundays @ 10:00am!


Watch our livestream services or view/listen to past sermons!

LIVE-STREAMING: Sundays @ 10:00am!

We love and appreciate our online community and we are honored and thankful to provide live-streaming to those who cannot join us in person. However, if you are able, we highly encourage you to join a local church in person. Online gathering is not meant to replace permanently the physical gathering of the body of Christ. We are called to worship, fellowship, encourage, pray, give, and serve with the body of Christ. We cannot be a part of the body of Christ unless we're with the body of the Christ.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to good works, not neglecting to meet together , as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

~Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV

View LIVE and stay updated with all our happenings on our Facebook page:

View LIVE or watch past services on our YouTube channel:

Subscribe to our new Apple Podcast "newLife Astoria's Sermon of the Week!"

You can now listen to our weekly sermons on-the-go through our Apple Podcast! We are currently working on uploading our most recent sermon series. Click the link below to listen and make sure you subscribe!