JOIN US ONLINE Sundays @ 10:00am!


Connecting the LOVE of Jesus to our future generation!

Welcome to kidsLife @ newLife!

kidsLife is a ministry of introducing and growing children in the love of Jesus. Our kidsLife team strives to meet each child where they are at and to provide a safe and loving environment where they can learn how to walk with Jesus.

It is our goal to partner with you-- to be a resource as you teach your kids about the power and love of Jesus. You are your child's most important teacher-- of how to live out your walk of faith-- and we are here to support you!

As the new school year approaches, some changes are coming to kidsLife. We are adding two new classes to better serve our children at each step of their walk with Jesus. Scroll down to see the new age divisions and where their class will be.

Nursery & Preschool (with First Look curriculum)

0-4 yr olds

Contact Cassie Wall

Upstairs from the foyer

Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Upstairs from the foyer

2nd - 5th Grade

Upstairs from the foyer

Middle School Youth Group

Charlet Robinson leads a 6th Grade Girl's Group that meets every other Sunday at 5:30pm. See slide below for dates.

High School Teens

Attend service in sanctuary with adults. They may serve after they attend newLife Basics Class.

We know these changes create a lot of questions. Please fill out the "Contact Us" form below and we will contact you promptly. You can always ask for a leader at the Check-In station on a Sunday if you have a question.

Ms. Cassie & Ms. April- Nursery Team and kidsLife Coordinator
Ms. Suzy & Ms. Salvacion- two of our K&1st grade teachers!

Safety & Security

Your child’s safety is our first priority!

All kidLife volunteers pass a background check and we also have a security team in place to ensure your child’s safety during services.

We have an electronic check-in system and only parents/guardians listed on the enrollment forms are allowed to pick up your child.

If we need to contact you during service about your child, we have a text messaging option through the same program that we enroll and check-in your child.


kidsLife uses the Orange Curriculum, specifically 252 Kids. It engages kids; partners with parents; and equips our volunteers.

We want our kids to grow up making wiser decisions, building stronger relationships, and developing a deeper faith in Jesus. We want them to be excited to come to kidsLife every Sunday!

Would you like to be a part of our kidsLife team? Click the the link below and sign up!